Midsummer Feast


I am a Swedish "light novel" author. I am also making the illustrations for my novel myself. Which is the reason that they not might look the very best, but I am still training =^,^=

I will publish the chapters for some of the novels on my facebook page once a week.
Sees the writing as a hobby that should be free for those without money, but I still accept payment for those that wish to support me.

/Best wishes/ Midsummer Feast

Smashwords Interview

Who are your favorite authors?
HASEKURA Isuna : The creator or spice and wolf. Must say that it´s a wonderful novel that he has created.
HIMANA Tsubaki & KAMIYA Yuu : the creators of clockwork planet. Not only is their story wonderful, they also gave me the settings to write my novels in.

I must include
KIZUKI Akira : The creator of Densen complex. It´s a manga but it's the most wonderful manga I have read. Not to mention that the stories have been a great inspiration for both my novels and my drawing during the time I tried to draw manga~ <3
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
Work. I don't mean that I only live to work day in and out, but I find it easier to think while working. Not to mention that there's a great possibility that I will learn something new. Which also is a reason that I get out of bed.
New things that I maybe will see, new things that I maybe can learn. New ideas that I maybe can get. Even though quite many of them are stupid and sometimes even disturbing, so are they still fun to play around with.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Midsummer Feast online

Twitter: @midsummer_feast
Facebook: Facebook profile


Project: cure for those demons.
Wh.at if you die all of sudden? Only to later on find out that there's a life after this. It happens to a girl, filled with love and emotions. She died and wakes up in the neitherworlds, Where she´s now will try to live her life to the fullest. There´s so much for her to learn and so much you want to do. This is partly her story


Project: Cure For Those Demons. Vol 4
Series: Project: cure for those demons.. You set the price! Words: 33,110. Language: English. Published: March 29, 2019 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Dark, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy
They do have a house to call home again and everything is going good. Even the problems that Jack had been facing seems to fade away. Everything fine. It could have been, but things aren't always going as planned. There are things that aren't going well at the clinic. There are things that are going bad and worse for Ellen. Not everything is going as planned. Almost nothing goes as they have plann
Project: Cure For Those Demons. Vol. 3
Series: Project: cure for those demons.. You set the price! Words: 29,590. Language: English. Published: February 17, 2019 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Dark, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy
How can two girls like Alice and Ellen lose their home twice? Not that Ellen really cares, all that is mattering now is to get a new home so they can stop bothering Chris. Of course so isn't Jill minding it at all, but why couldn't she stay by Ellens side? Just like Jack should have done. Work is piling up for Alice at the clinic, but there is help waiting around the corner.
Project: Cure For Those Demons. Vol. 2
Series: Project: cure for those demons.. You set the price! Words: 28,020. Language: English. Published: February 12, 2019 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Dark, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy
Ellen had finally got revived by her father, thrown into a strange new life in the neitherworlds and asked to do a request for him. Creating a machine for him to make a drug stronger. She succeeded it, didn't she? But things aren't always going like planned and something got wrong. Why did it end like that, where did they hide her beloved father and why are they losing home after home?
Project: Cure For Those Demons. Vol. 1
Series: Project: cure for those demons.. Price: Free! Words: 30,300. Language: English. Published: February 12, 2019 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Dark, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Graphic Novel
Wh.at if you die all of sudden? Only to later on find out that there's a life after this. It happens to a girl, filled with love and emotions. She died and wakes up in the neitherworlds, Where she´s now will try to live her life to the fullest. There´s so much for her to learn and so much you want to do. This is partly her story

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